Linux Oneliners

[:  :]

Misc Useful

Find duplicate files

find . ! -empty -type f -exec md5sum {} + | sort | uniq -w32 -dD

Extract all zip files in current directory

find . -name "*.zip" -exec mkdir {}_ \; -exec mv {} {}_/ \; -exec 7z x {}_/{} -o{}_/ \;

generate uuid

cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid

How to use USBPCAP on Ubuntu

sudo modprobe usbmon
sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:r /dev/usbmon*

Disable system beep

rmmod pcspkr ; echo "blacklist pcspkr" >>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Vim, Regex, Grep

remove trailing whitespace regex


How to remove all lines containing value REMOVEME


Vim: Remove all blank lines in a file


Find all memcpy instances in a dir (with line numbers)

grep --color -rin memcpy .

Hex Stuff

Here’s a tutorial I made about using Vim as a hex editor:

copy intel hex format to bin

objcopy -I ihex file.hex -O binary file.bin

reverse hex dump

cat asciihex.txt | xxd -r -p > file.bin

base64 to bin

base64 -d <<< someb64here > file.bin

perl hexdump

perl -e 'local $/; print unpack "H*", <>' file.bin

convert hex value to decimal

printf "%d\n" $((16#6132387a))

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