Binary Golf

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Binary Golfing UEFI Applications (REcon 2024) // 
My REcon talk about golfing self-replicating UEFI applications
BGGP5 Announcement // 
Announcing the 5th annual Binary Golf Grand Prix: Download
BGGP4: A 420 Byte Self-Replicating UEFI App For x64 // 
My BGGP4 entry
LKM Golf // 
Creating tiny Linux Kernel Modules. From tmp.0ut Vol. 3
BGGP4 Results // 
Results from the 4th annual Binary Golf Grand Prix
BGGP4 Announcement // 
Announcing the 4th annual Binary Golf Grand Prix: Replicate
208 byte aarch64 ELF reverse shell // 
Playing around with golfing aarch64
xx File Format // 
A file format for people who like to write in raw hex and draw pretty pictures.
BGGP3 Results // 
Results from the 3rd annual Binary Golf Grand Prix
BGGP3 entry that DOSes Rizin and Radare2 with SOPHIE lyrics.
tmpout/elfs // 
A collection of interesting ELF files for inspiration and testing
yxd - Yuu's heX Dumper // 
A colorful hex dumping tool and library for your command line. Compatible with xxd!
Python3.7+ Multi-arch .pyc dropper // 
Using binary format handlers to run Python bytecode containing shellcode.
BGGP3 Announcement // 
Announcing the 3rd annual Binary Golf Grand Prix: Crash
84 byte aarch64 ELF // 
A tiny ELF for 64 bit ARM, diagram and source. From tmp.0ut Vol. 2
BGGP2 Wrap Up // 
A write up about BGGP2: Polyglot. From tmp.0ut Vol 2
Elf Binary Mangling Pt. 4: Limit Break // 
An 82 byte ET_EXEC ELF for x86_64. From tmp.0ut Vol 2
An ELF Palindrome for AMD64 // 
From PoC||GTFO 21. An updated version of the writeup for my BGGP2020 entry.
BGGP2 Results // 
Detailed analysis of entries for the 2021 Binary Golf Grand Prix.
ns.bggp2021.asm // 
PE/PDF/JS Polyglot for BGGP2. 487 bytes.
Elf Binary Mangling Pt. 4: Limit Break // 
An 82 byte ET_EXEC ELF for x86_64. Later published in tmp.0ut 2
ELF Binary Mangling Series // 
A blog series about making super small ELFs
netspooky/kimagure // 
Windows Shellcode and TinyPE generator tool.
BGGP2 Announcement // 
Announcing the 2nd annual Binary Golf Grand Prix: Polyglot
In-Memory Kernel Module Loading // 
tmp.0ut 1.9 - Article about loading LKMs in memory from a remote source.
Linux.Precinct3.asm // 
A Linux Based Data Destruction Tool for authorized users only. From tmp.0ut Vol 1
BGGP1 Results Stream // 
Video covering the results from the first BGGP.
Palindromic 64 bit ELF binaries // 
Entry for BGGP2020. A small ELF that executes the same backwards as it does forwards.
BGGP1 Announcement // 
Announcing the 1st annual Binary Golf Grand Prix: Palindrome
Adventures in Binary Golf (AirGap2020) // 
A talk about the theory and practice of binary golf. From AirGap2020.
Modern PE Mangling // 
Creating tiny Windows executables for Windows 10.
ELF Binary Mangling Pt. 3: Weaponization // 
Making tiny ELFs destructive
ELF Binary Mangling Pt. 2: Golfin // 
Creating an 84 byte ELF for x86_64 with nasm
ELF Binary Mangling Pt. 1: Concepts // 
What's in an ELF anyways?
ARM32 Binary Mangling // 
Some notes on experimenting with small ARM32 binaries.