
[:  :]
netspooky/pdiff2 // 
A revised version of the pdiff tool
Protocol RE Talk // 
Slides, notes, and resources from a talk I did on Protocol RE
acble - Apple Continuity Dissector // 
Wireshark dissector for the Apple BLE Advertising Beacon protocol used by Airpods and other Apple devices
Wireshark Tips n Tricks // 
Some tips for using wireshark // 
List all the protocols in a given pcap using tshark
The PCAP File Format // 
Descriptions of PCAP and PCAPNG files
Wireshark is a lolbin // 
Tips n' Tricks for Wireshark, running arbitrary Lua scripts and DLLs
Packets Remystified: Broadcast Brujería // 
Different things you can do with broadcast and multicast protocols + tips on protocol design.
BGB Emulator Link Cable Protocol Dissector // 
A dissector for the TCP based link cable protocol used in the BGB emulator.
PGStats Dissector // 
A dissector for the internal postgres stats protocol. // 
Very simple python script for sending raw packets on Linux // 
Sending messages within the Wireshark packet hex dump
netspooky/pdiff // 
A revised version of the pdiff tool